We found 10 episodes of The Heavy Hole Podcast with the tag “grindcore”.
In the Hole w/ Thætas (Terrell Grannum & Cory Monster)
September 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 29 mins
death metal, grindcore, hardcore, maggot stomp, nydm, thætas
Terrell Grannum and Cory Monster of Thætas call into the hole!
heavyholepodcast.com -
In The Hole w/ Big Will (Artificial Brain, Afterbirth, Buckshot Facelift, Reeking Aura, Biolich, and more)
July 31st, 2020 | 1 hr 28 mins
afterbirth, artificial brain, buckshot facelift, death metal, grindcore, long island
Justin and Tom interrogate Uncle Buck.
heavyholepodcast.com -
In The Hole w/ Abhay Singh: Executive Producer of Extreme Nation
July 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 31 mins
black metal, death metal, documentary, extreme nation, grindcore, india, indian subcontinent
Executive Producer of Extreme Nation, Abhay Singh calls into the hole.
heavyholepodcast.com -
Shop Talk: Formats
July 10th, 2020 | 2 hrs 5 mins
cassette, cd, death metal, dvd, grindcore, mp3, ratt, thrash metal, vhs, vinyl
Will, Justin, and Tom discuss various media formats.
heavyholepodcast.com -
In the Hole w/Mike Mayo (Waking the Cadaver, Ground, Embludgeonment, and The Adept)
June 26th, 2020 | 1 hr 8 mins
death metal, embludgeonment, grindcore, ground, guitar, slam, waking the cadaver
Mike Mayo of Waking the Cadaver, Ground, Embludgeonment, and The Adept calls into the hole!
heavyholepodcast.com -
In The Hole w/ Devin Swank (Sanguisugabogg and Limbsplitter)
May 8th, 2020 | 1 hr 21 mins
blast beats, death metal, grind, grindcore, limbsplitter, maggot stomp, metal, sanguisugabogg, turkey
Devin Swank of Sanguisugabogg and Limbsplitter calls into the hole!
heavyholepodcast.com -
Shop Talk: Documentaries
May 1st, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
brutal death metal, death metal, documentary, grind, grindcore, metal, youtube
The guys discuss some metal themed documentaries.
heavyholepodcast.com -
Shop Talk: Metalcore
April 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 52 mins
blast beats, breakdowns, death metal, grindcore, metalcore
Will, Justin, and Tom talk about metalcore.
heavyholepodcast.com -
In The Hole w/ Paulo Paguntalan (Copremesis, Encenathrakh, P2 Records and more)
April 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 31 mins
blast beats, copremesis, death metal, encenathrakh, grind, grindcore, metal, ping
Get to know the man behind the ping. Paulo calls into to tell some of his story.
heavyholepodcast.com -
Heavy Hole Talks Coronavirus Part 2
March 24th, 2020 | 28 mins 21 secs
covid19, death metal, grindcore, hardcore, live shows, small business, vauxhall
This episode features two conversations regarding the state of small businesses coping with COVID19.
First, friend of the show Dan Valentino of Amityville Music Hall, Vauxhall, and New Wave Burrito Bar. Next, David Castillo, one of the the masterminds behind Brooklyn's legendary venues, Saint Vitus. heavyholepodcast.com